Weekendlæsning nr. 2
- Rune Møller Stahl og Bue Rübner Hansen i Jacobin Magazine: “The liberal refusal to recognize structural racism and diverging class interests has created space for Trumpism. Understanding this entails that we move the struggle against racism beyond diversity management and begin developing economic policies that genuinely benefit working-class people — not just those white working-class voters whom Trump mobilized, but also the white and non-white working-class people whom Hillary failed to mobilize, and the vast number of people who have been disenfranchised, never enfranchised, or simply chose not to vote.”
- Miriyam Aouragh om den seneste opstand i Marokko, som du sikkert ikke har hørt om: “These protests began after a fish seller was crushed to death in the northern Mediterranean town of Al Hoceima. The story of Mohsine Fikri is gruesome and particular but also symptomatic. He jumped into the garbage truck with a few other colleagues to protest the embezzlement (and waste) of their fish, which was ordered by the police and the well-connected merchant controlling the retail of fish. Witnesses said the police then ordered the driver to set-off the trucks grinder-system. Mohsin’s colleagues managed to jump out in time, but he got stuck behind.”
- “The 1940s was when Egyptian Communist movements really began to gather steam and become serious political forces. This is why I am keeping hold of this particular pamphlet. The 1970s Arabic works printed in Moscow were surely politically important in Egypt but this snap-shot of a growing socialist current, written by an Egyptian who was directly involved in its debates is a rare thing to find in an Alexandrian bookstall.”
- The Self-Taught Philosopher: How a 900-year-old Arabic tale you have probably never heard inspired the Enlightenment (Podcast)
- Tariq Ali taler i Jacobin Radio om en side af Lenin, som vi sjældent hører om.
- Kommunen til Fælles
- “One foreign country in particular grabbed the Nazis’ interest because of its advanced and innovative system of legal racism. The object of Nazi fascination? America.”
- Refugee Stasis: The camp is the end of the liberal order, the end of the post–World War II world, the end of human rights. (Longread)
- Michel Foucault part 2: Government Surveillance & Prison (video)
- Lars-Emil Woetmann: “Samtidens politiske litteratur er en litteratur, der arbejder med eksistensen som en stenhård affære og altså ofte har det poetiske eller det skønne eller det perfekte som problem, fordi det ekskluderer, fortrænger og adskiller. Til denne gruppe må man, modsat hvad Stidsen gør, tælle Christina Hagen.“
- Tue Andersen Nexø: “Progressivt hykleri og småtskåren indvandrerkritik: Er det ikke det, fløjene i den danske værdidebat foragteligt har sagt om hinanden i snart 15 år? Nu kan vi også læse det i litteraturen… Nåja, den skuffelse skal ikke skjule, at Christina Hagen, når det stikker hende, er en af Danmarks sjoveste forfattere, og at hendes tekster tit er bedst, når de er mest respektløse.”
- “In his deliciously biting 1991 examination of the role of The Economist in shaping American elite opinion, James Fallows tried to figure out exactly what was so repellent about the magazine’s approach to the seeking of truth. Fallows puzzled over the fact that American intellectuals hold a disproportionate amount of respect for The Economist’s judgment and reporting, even though the magazine is produced by imperious 20-something Oxbridge graduates who generally know little about the subjects on which they so confidently opine. Fallows suggested that The Economist’s outsized reputation in the U.S. was partially attributable to Americans’ lingering colonial insecurity, their ongoing belief that despite all evidence to the contrary, British people are inherently intelligent and trustworthy.”
- The Official Thomas Friedman ‘Make a Meaningless Graph’ Contest
- Rune Møller Stahl: “Det politiske centrums kollaps skyldes ikke blot en pludselig eksplosion af racisme og autoritære tendenser, men en udbredt utilfredshed med det politiske status quo, som får større og større dele af vælgermassen til at gå efter alternativer. Der er ingen tvivl om, at den fremmedfjendske retorik fra de højrepopulistiske partier har en vis folkelig klangbund blandt vælgergrupper, der enten er tiltrukket af klassisk racisme eller ser indvandring af arbejdskraft eller global konkurrence som en trussel mod deres levebrød.”
- Underepræsentationen af kvinder i filosofi (en litteraturliste)
- Norman G. Finkelstein: Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom, University of California Press, januar 2018.
- “The human rights framework so much of the pundit class lives by—the moral positioning that gives the US the unique right to interfere in conflicts throughout the globe—is suddenly, and without explanation, suspended. The US backs Saudi war crimes despite their brutality, never because of it. It sells arms in hopes they will reform, never because they have.”
- Atlas Magasin: “Pengeskabelse er et offentligt anliggende, som hører hjemme i Nationalbanken. Derfor bør alle borgere have adgang til en konto i Nationalbanken, som kan bruges til at opbevare elektroniske statspenge samt modtage og sende betalinger til andre pengebrugere. Det svarer til en elektronisk udgave af det fysiske kontantpengesystem. Kreditformidling er derimod en opgave, som fint varetages af private banker i form af aktieselskaber eller andelskasser. Når pengeskabelsen og betalingssystemet er flyttet over i Nationalbanken, kan banker behandles som almindelige private virksomheder, der skal konkurrere med hinanden om at tilbyde de bedste ydelser, og som kan tillades at gå konkurs, hvis de ikke kan passe deres forretning.”
- Terry Eagleton: “A Tory government will “protect our brave armed forces from persistent legal claims”, which could just be a blank cheque for torture and murder.“
- Gregory Afinogenov: When humanitarianism became imperialism.
- Owen Jones: Why Corbyn is right about terrorism
- Question: And neither do you regret having supported Islamic fundamentalism, which has given arms and advice to future terrorists?
Brzezinski: What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?
Illustration i toppen af Ferdinand Ahm Krag.